Open-air Cinemas

16 Jul

Open-air Cinemas

Regularly in the summer, the numerous open air cinemas with a variety of program highlights enjoy great popularity, both with visitors to Vienna and with locals. We have summarized some of the most popular summer cinemas for you below:

VOLXkino (changing locations)

Probably the most unusual, because it is the only open-air traveling cinema in Vienna, is the “VOLXkino”: it can be found at changing locations between municipal buildings, Viennese markets, parks or at subway stations this year for the 35th time! Austrian and international feature, documentary, short and animated films are shown.

  • Where: changing venues !
  • When: June 07th – September 20th 2024
  • Admission: Free
  • Info and Programm: VOLXkino

Kino am Dach (Hauptbücherei Wien)

For 21 years now, the roof of Vienna’s main library on the Gurtel has been transformed into Vienna’s highest open-air cinema again this year. Austrian productions are on the program as well as blockbusters, science fiction and film classics and a selection of coming of age films. Films partly German, partly original with subtitles. In case of bad weather the event will be cancelled.

  • Where: 07. district, Gürtel/Urban-Loritz-Platz 2a
  • When: June 01th – September 15th 2024
  • Admission: EUR 12,00 per Person / discounted EUR 11,00 per Person
  • Info and Programm: Kino am Dach

Kino wie noch nie (Wiener Augarten)

One of the most beautiful open-air cinemas in Vienna, the “cinema like never before” is located in the middle of the Viennese Augarten. The Filmarchiv Austria, in cooperation with the Viennale, presents for the 16th time current Austrian and international productions. At the “Cinema Sessions”, silent film classics are presented with atmospheric live music. Delights from local suppliers at the Grünstern garden kitchenn complete the offer. Films in OV with German or English subtitles.

  • Where: 02. district, Garten Filmarchiv Austria, Obere Augartenstraße 1
  • When: June 27th  – August 25th 2024
  • Admission: EUR 10,00 per Person / discounted from EUR 6,00 per Person
  • Info and Programm: Kino wie noch nie

dotdotdot (Volkskundemuseum Laudongasse)

In the immediate vicinity of our Hotel Zipser, every Sunday, Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday in the Garden Folklore Museum, the 10. short film festival takes place in the open air again. In addition to the short films, the program also includes film talks with international guests, workshops and performances. In the event of bad weather, the event will take place in the Great Hall.

  • Where: 08. district, Laudong. 15-19
  • When: August 04th – August 29th 2024 (on Sunday, Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday)
  • Admission: Pay As You Can! (normal EUR 8,00 per Person, discounted EUR 6,00 per Person)
  • Info and Programm: dotdotdot


Featured image: KARLSkino (c) stefdwo